Poll Results: Which Animal Welfare Issue Was Voted Most Important to Our Supporters?

January 26, 2023

We recently sent a poll to our supporters asking which critical animal welfare issue was most important moving into 2023. The four issues we focused on were rescue and relief during emergencies and natural disasters, cruelty and suffering dogs endure in puppy mills, rehabilitation and recovery for neglect and cruelty victims, and helping horses find loving homes through adoption.

With over 17,000 responses, the issue that received the most votes was rehabilitation and recovery for neglect and cruelty victims.

This critical issue is a huge part of our work at the ASPCA, especially in 2023 as we celebrate more and more success stories from the Behavioral Rehabilitation Center (BRC) in North Carolina, and the ever-expanding Cruelty Recovery Center (CRC) in Ohio. We also have centers in New York City ( the Animal Recovery Center and the Canine Annex for Recovery and Enrichment ) dedicated to the care and recovery of animals from cruelty cases.

The ASPCA is committed to giving as many animals affected by cruelty, abuse, or natural disaster their best chance at finding the homes they deserve. Our experts in each location nationwide work tirelessly to make these second chances possible, providing daily care, enrichment, medical procedures and so much more.

Animals like Gimli , who came to the CRC with heartworm and a cleft palate after being rescued from hoarding. Or Bernal , who was also rescued from hoarding and terrified of any handling when he came to the BRC. Both Bernal and Gimli went through their respective treatments and eventually found loving homes.

Thanks to his treatment at the BRC Bernal is no longer anxious and fearful; in his new home, he has canine friends and loving humans to care for him and give him adventures. He goes for walks in the park every day, and occasionally at the river. Similarly, now healthy and happy in his new home, Gimli is enjoying life with a doting adopter and new canine brothers and sisters. In his time at the CRC, Gimli brought a smile to everyone’s faces with his signature underbite, cleft palate and dance moves that he does on his hind legs. Despite their tragic beginnings, both of these dogs blossomed in our care and continue to thrive after their time with the ASPCA.

In 2023, we are ready to help even more animals in need of care through our facilities like the BRC, CRC, CARE, ARC and more. We hope to give as many animals in need as possible second chances at loving homes.

If you want to get involved to help animals this year, there are a lot of ways you can help!